No matter how skilled and capable you are, there’s no way that you can outrun bad luck. Learning to deal with disappointment and frustration in a healthy way is a key part of life. But let’s be honest here—many of us still wish we didn’t have to.
The r/WellTextSucks subreddit invites internet users to share photos and screenshots of situations that would make almost anyone empathize with what the people had to go through. Scroll down for some of the top pics to remind you that no matter how bad you think your day is going, it can always get worse.
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Dennis Definitely Left An Impression
Thought It Belonged Here
Telling someone to simply tough it out when things get hard is pretty unhelpful. When you’re in the middle of a metaphorical storm, what you need is straightforward, practical advice and support, not empty ‘inspirational’ platitudes.
Something that is beyond useful is having a strong social network that has your back no matter what. When you know for a fact that you can rely on your family, friends, and coworkers when things get tough, it’s far easier to be optimistic about the future. This sort of help can be anything from literal physical help and financial support to sharing experiences about solutions to specific issues.
Heartbreaking Letter Asks Burglar To Return Pics Of Dog's Last Day Alive
The Best Part? Can't Even Drink The Water!
Yeah This Has To Suck Pretty Badly
Another major boon that your social network offers you is empathy. You should never discount the power of having folks in your life who are willing to hear you out.
Simply sharing your thoughts and feelings with someone who is actively listening to you can help you work through the stress. And, if you’re in the mood for some advice, they might have a friendly tip or two.
That’s A Big Oof
Tony Hawk Problems
For those who are as cueless as I was. Here is wikipedia for you: "Anthony Frank Hawk (born May 12, 1968), nicknamed Birdman, is an American professional skateboarder, entrepreneur and the owner of the skateboard company Birdhouse. "
Disclaimer: This Wasn’t Me, I Just Found It On Facebook. I Feel Horrible For The Guy
However, you shouldn’t turn these venting sessions into a regular thing. You do not want to become a person who constantly dumps all of their negative emotions on their loved ones.
Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. How would you feel if all that one of your friends did was vent and rage about how unfair life is? You’d probably start avoiding them.
Poor Guy
Training Gone To Waste
It’s Enough To Make A Grown Man Cry
Your social circle is there for emotional support and advice. But solving deep-seated issues and shifting your perspective on life is going to take months or years of work with a certified therapist.
If you find yourself always moaning and groaning and bringing the mood down when you meet your friends, you may want to consider seeking professional help.
Quite The Wake Up Call
Bad Headline Placement
Now, this isn’t to say that you should always be happy-go-lucky around people. That’s not what we mean. Toxic positivity can be very harmful because it means sacrificing authenticity for the sake of fitting in.
At the same time, you have to be honest about how your behavior and words make the people around you feel. Always talking about how bad things are going for you is going to strain your relationships. Try to bring the focus on your friends instead of always putting yourself in the spotlight. Hear them out, too. Don’t always be the one who’s venting.
Damn That Hurt
What A Way To Lose
Momentum. It’s A Law
_Always_ tie your load. The force of an object in a crash at 40 km/h (25 mph) is 40 times its weight.
The reality is that we all have things to be grateful for in our lives, even when things aren’t going our way. Even in the worst of times, you can find a silver lining. But you need to actively remind yourself to look for it!
You could, for example, start a gratitude journal where you list a few things you’re happy to have in your life, even if everything else is a dumpster fire. Or you could start every morning by thinking about what these glimmers of light in the darkness are.
Well That Sucks
Oopsie Daisy
Definitely “Sunk” Some Hopes
For example, you might have recently lost your job. However, you’re healthy, have a happy family, and you’re actively working to create a future for your career.
Or you might be under a lot of stress at home or in your personal life. On the other hand, you’re making strides in your creative pursuits, you’re budgeting well, and you’ve been steadily improving your diet.
We all have small wins we can turn to for a burst of hope, even in the darkest of times. This won’t solve all of our problems, but it reframes our lives and gives us a broader, more nuanced view of where we’re actually at in life.
My Dasher Was Sitting At Taco Bell For Over An Hour Before I Texted Him. They Stole My Tacos Too :(
That Sucks
Seems My Mom Was Right After All
Aside from investing in deep, meaningful, and positive relationships, you have to remember to take care of your body and mind. Get the basics right, and you’ll be better prepared to weather any disappointments and stress that life throws your way.
Well That Sucks
I Was So Excited About This Deal!
It Was Suggested That This Belongs Here
Fake claim, disproved by Burundi's official sources. Burundi had a slow start with COVID prevention, made worse by the refusal of President Pierre Nkurunziza to ban gatherings such as religious meetings because "God himself would protect his people". After Nkurunziza died in 2020 (of COVID, nonetheless), the following government rolled out mass testings and enforced some prevention measures. Still, they refused international offers for vaccines, preferring to go down the "acquired group immunity" route. When ultimately accepted the vaccines they did so only in small numbers, and with the largely ineffective Sinofarm vaccine instead of the better performing alternatives.
Get plenty of sleep. Spend time outside. Move your body. Eat nutritious food. Drink lots of water. Avoid smoking, junk food, too many sugar treats, and alcohol. Limit your caffeine intake. Get off your phone. Pick up meditation. Spend time on your hobbies and passions, not just stressing out about work deadlines and binge-watching reality TV.
Distract yourself from being disappointed by doing the things that you love and what your body craves.
If Having A Bad Day Was A Contest. I Win
After 5 hours on the phone and 4 in the bank... Absolutely no one can explain how a fraudulent charge of 888,888.88 went through without being flagged for review.
Sony Can Be Vintage Too, Right?
Woopsie Daisy! Thank God They Had Insurance
Which of the situations featured in this post made you empathize with others the most, dear Pandas? How do you personally handle things when you have a run of bad luck? How do you support your family and friends when they’re going through a tough period? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section, at the bottom of this article.
Worst Bid I’ve Received In 15+ Years Lmao
My Wife Is A Veterinary Nurse
Vengeful Vandal Destroys Wrong Car
Didn't Carrie carve her name into his leather seats rather than carving Mike is a cheater on the bonnet? XP
They Accepted My Request
My Friend's College Prof Got Stuck In The Elevator Prior To The Daily Lecture
When God Doesn’t Like You
Get Well Soon Dude
I Feel Sorry For This Man
Father In Law Has Spent Decades With A Cr*ppy TV That Finally Died. Brand New 4k TV Arrived Today And This Is The First Power On
My Mom Isn’t Great At Giving Bad News
Btw, that was Mrs. Hamment's son. Sorry for your loss Mrs. Hamment.
Maybe Randall Should Watch Where He's Standing
The Cost Of Getting Bucked Off A Horse. One Short Ambulance Ride And Shorter Helicopter Ride
In Norway you don’t have to pay for an ambulance to get to the hospital and i feel it’s so wrong in many ways that Americans have to pay a huge amount to get medical help. If you’re poor there you die…?
My Memory Isn't Great Lately. Good Thing I Created This To Remind Myself That I'm An A-Hole
These Videos Were Literally Posted Two Days Apart From Each Other
Judging by the cloud of smoke I'd say this is a diesel runaway. Not a fun time.